MR2: Modification Updates and Progress (Pictorial)

In Jeep, Technology by J Michel Metz9 Comments

No, I haven’t forgotten about the Jeeps, I swear. I’ve just been really excited about getting the MR2 Spyder back and being able to make some modifications that I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve already installed a new loop/wind deflector, but have made a lot of additional updates and upgrades.

So, consider this mostly a pictorial of before/after pics of the work I’ve been doing.

A/C Controls

First and foremost comes the one that should have been a no-brainer. Unfortunately, when replacing the A/C controls I managed to not realize that an adapter that was on one of the knob posts was still on when I added the new one, popping the entire A/C panel apart on the back side of the dashboard.

That was fun to correct. In any case, here are the before and after shots:

Before (original)

And a more modern look:


Tail Lights

I’ve never liked the original taillights on the MR2. I’ve always felt that they really let down the rear end.

Original, stock taillights. Bland, bland, bland.

There are a few after-market ones that are available, but they’re all pretty much custom. I managed to find something that I really liked, from Russia of all places.

“Arachnid”-style tail lights

I think that the car’s appearance was immediately and drastically improved. I could have gone with a color-matched set, but given that the car is 18 years old and the likelihood of a perfect match being next-to-nil, I think the black glossy works just as well. Plus, I’m going for a blue-with-black-accents style anyway, so it works for me.


Sadly, this is the best picture I could find of the seats before I re-upholstered them.

Original seats when picking up the car

Newly upholstered seats:

Seats done

And in the car:

Angle 1

From the other side:

Angle 2

You can even see the newly installed short-shifter and mid-console armrest, which are both also new.


Original lights (in progress of disassembly):

Original 2000 MR2 Spyder headlights

And the new ones:

New, modified headlights, off.

What are they?

  • Toyota Stock 2003 replacement headlights for my 2000
  • Diode Dynamics Halo Switchbacks
  • VLEDS Triton V6 switchback indicators
  • Morimoto Mini H1 7.0 Bi-Xenon Projector Retrofits

(I’ll be writing more about what they are and how they work later)

Here they are with Daytime Running Lights (DRLs):


With the main lights on:

Lights on (low beams)

High beams on:

High Beams

Driver’s side indicators:

Driver’s side switchback indicators

Passenger Side indicators:

Passenger Side switchback indicators

Hazard lights:

Hazard lights

This is the current build-in-progress, but aside from cleaning up the wiring there is nothing left to do before being drivable other than reassemble the front end properly.

So, it’s getting there. I’m very happy with the way things are going, though.


  1. Do you know the location of where I can buy any of these mods?

    1. Author
  2. Can you provide a link for the seller in Russia where you purchased the rear lights from?


  3. hi love the rear lights where can i get some do you have a address thanks rand

  4. I never liked the taillights either this byfar is the best tail lights design , I have seen so far …its a shame midship garage is shut down

    1. Author

      Yeah. It was really one guy who was trying his best to give it a go. It’s a shame, really.

  5. Where did you get the upholstery for the seats? Did you re-upholster them yourself?

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