The world’s governments are at war with Google.
Non-Linear Communication (a.k.a. Being Neil Postman’s Bitch)
Everyone has some brush with fame. In my life I’ve been fortunate (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) to have several moments where I have been exposed to either great, popular, or paradigm-shifting people. When I was a freshly-minted Ph.D in the 1990s, I was a rising star in the field of Media Ecology and found myself …
Companies should not rely on Facebook as a long-term strategy
Do not create a social media strategy around Facebook!
The Key to Marketing – Yes, M-A-M™!
Using J Metz’ Yes M-A-M model of marketing persuasion can help you focus and streamline your approach to calling people to action.
Review: Final Entry on “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be an Atheist”
After reading through 8 chapters and 217 pages I’ve finally decided that it is no longer worth the energy or effort trying to decipher or contextualize some of the worst and disingenuous writings on the Christianity/Atheism debate I’ve ever read.
Review: Ch. 8 of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be an Atheist”
This chapter makes some of the most logical arguments regarding the existence of God, but also makes some of the most bizarre conclusions as well. In the scorebook we could almost call this chapter a draw, if the authors had actually made a point.
Review: Ch. 7 of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be an Atheist”
In this chapter the authors are on much more familiar ground, discussing Moral Law as it pertains to some of the arguments atheists (and relativists) make. However, the authors’ binary solution (absolutism vs. relativism) illustrates some of the weaknesses in their own stance as well.
Review: Ch. 5 of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be an Atheist”
For those people who are attempting to ask some serious questions about whether or not Christianity can provide answers that Atheism can not, this book professes to provide a guide to why Christianity requires less faith than Atheism. This is my response to Chapter 5 of that book, which deals with Evolution.
Review: Ch. 6 of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be an Atheist”
For those people who are attempting to ask some serious questions about whether or not Christianity can provide answers that Atheism can not, this book professes to provide a guide to why Christianity requires less faith than Atheism. However, as this chapter delves into Intelligent Design – and does so poorly – it leaves me wondering about the motivations and the manipulative nature of Christians, instead.
I Patriot; I Citizen
This award-winning speech was given at the 2004 International Speech Contest series in Central Florida.
In Support of *gasp* Gay Marriage
It’s not often that two of my pet topics – individualism and childfree-ness – come together in one essay in this form, but there are times when you have to jump at the opportunity when it arises.
The Self-Obsolescence of Ultra-Liberal Academics
Like many conferences, the lessons to be taken away from Academic conferences often have very little to do with anything that people actually spoke about. In this particular case, one of the lessons to be taken away is how Queer Studies, Gender Studies, and African-American Studies appear to have successfully sealed their own death sentence.
Serving at the Pleasure of Government
The not-so-subtle encroachment of government will upon individuals cannot be taken lightly. Take a look at the Terry Shiavo and Rachel Boim cases.
Power and Humor
Did you know that when you make a joke, you are attempting to control a relationship? Yeah, I bet that was foremost on your mind as well.
California’s Slight of Hand
By now the story about teaching Islam in California’s government schools should be pretty well known. Most conservative organizations and authors lament the fact that no other religion is taught in those schools, as well as the fact that the negative aspects of Islam are often glossed over or ignored. These conservatives are, however, seriously missing the point.