I’m a diabetic. Unlike some people who seem to take great pleasure in identifying themselves and building personal brands as diabetics, I don’t like talking about my diabetes. For more than 30 years I’ve worked hard to minimize others’ association between myself and the disease, hopefully with a modicum of success. I’m going to step outside myself this once to indulge …
Synology Hybrid Backup, Part 3
This is the third installment of the 3-2-1 backup workflow that I have established using Synology’s DSM 5.2 software. My goal is to illustrate a multi-tiered backup plan using my Synology equipment and the built-in tools to establish a resilient method for surviving data loss. In the first post, I discussed some of the considerations of backups and a provided …
Synology Hybrid Backup, Part 2
In the first article, I started talking about how to use the Synology to solve my various backup problems. I’m a bit picky about how the way I like my data organized, and as usual your mileage will vary, but because of the nature of my setup I need to use a variety of tools available within the Synology ecosystem. …
Synology Hybrid Backup, Part 1
We’ve all had it happen: that moment when the computer freezes, and hours of work is lost forever. But when the loss is catastrophic – a bad disk drive, the dreaded ‘clicking’ noise that signals you’re in deep, deep trouble, etc. – you know just how soul-crushing it can be. I have a particular plan in mind for satisfying my own …
Guest Post: Pluto, A Once-In-A-Lifetime-Event
By Landon Curt Noll I want to call your attention to a significant event in our solar system: for the first time in history a spacecraft called New Horizons will pass by the Double Dwarf Planet pair Pluto and Charon.
Lies, Damn Lies, and IT Consultants on FCoE
No need to panic. Cisco is still developing FCoE in a big way.
Enrico Signoretti Is Not A Writer (For Real) – an FCoE Allegory
“What? Yes he is!” “No, he isn’t. For real.” “He’s still writing blogs!” “Yeah, but no one reads them.”
FCC Announces “Net Neutrality” Order
The FCC today released it’s “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet” order, a.k.a. “Net Neutrality.” Weighing in at nearly 600 pages, it is a monstrous behemoth. It’s important to note that the order was not unanimous among the commissioners (3-2). Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly dissenting and issuing separate statements and included as an addendum inside the document. The contents of this …
Synology DSM 5.2 Beta Could Be A Big Deal
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Synology. The company has always, always treated me well. In fact if more companies acted like Synology did, I think that we’d have a lot of very happy consumers out there. It’s also no secret that I simply do not trust “The Cloud” for securing personal data. As I’ve said before …
Balancing Act: The Struggle Between Orality and Linearity in Computer-Mediated Communication
This is a recovery of a peer-reviewed article published in 1996 in the New Jersey Journal of Communication (now the Atlantic Journal of Communication). Full Citation: Metz, J. M. (1996). Balancing act: The struggle between orality and linearity in computer mediated communication. The New Jersey Journal of Communication, 4, 61-70.000
A Brief History of the Internet
You probably thought that the Internet was created to survive a nuclear attack. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the true origins of the Internet had no military usage whatsoever. How do I know? I talked to several people who actually created the Internet (well, it was called the ARPANET back then). I took the material from …
Misunderstanding Cyberculture: Martin Rimm and the ‘Cyberporn’ Study
Reprint of a peer-reviewed conference paper on the Martin Rimm “Study” and its consequences.
Rant on “Gurus” and “Experts”
I gotta vent. I just gotta. I’ve long been annoyed as hell by those people who call themselves “experts” or “gurus” on any particular subject, simply because they have an obsession that they wish to rationalize. Among those I think have carved out their own special corner of hell: Life Coaches Motivational Speakers Personal Shoppers Change Agents Feng Shui Experts …
Alcohol and the Tech Industry
An article on Alcohol and the Tech Industry, written by Kara Sowles, came through my twitter stream today, followed by a few enthusiastic virtual thumbs up. I’ve written before about the Tech industry and inappropriate behavior (often as a result of overindulgence of alcohol), and I don’t have any problems with the suggestions Ms. Sowles makes about how to improve the …
Unboxing: Synology DS414 Slim
Unboxing the Synology DS414 Slim NAS device, and sharing initial impressions.