Deletion bait?
The Question: What are your most unpopular opinions that most likely will offend a lot of people?
I suppose that if ever there was bait to trigger Quora’s moderation, this question would be it. Nevertheless, I figured that only the most twisted of people would actually get upset about the examples I wanted to give, but surely Quora moderation employed cooler heads, correct?
My Answer:
Yes, that’s right. The “violation” that they found was… “null.” Quora couldn’t even find a reason in their own T&Cs to identify the violation. After all, Quora itself has been quite clear on what constitutes their “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy. So if they can’t even find something, then you know that there is substance to the criticism that Quora is following some shadow rules.
My Appeal
This answer complies with all of Quora’s BNBR policies. The very question itself requests an answer that, while NOT offensive, will yet still offend people.
In fact, the reason given for deleting this answer is “Null,” which seems to indicate that even Quora can’t determine what was wrong with this answer. There was no profanity, no ad hominem attacks, no cruelty, no disparaging groups or individuals based upon any race, sexual creed, political affiliation, or any other hot button topic. Instead, the answer explicitly states that there are those who do these things in the name of something called “cultural appropriation,” and that it, itself, is wrong.
This decision to delete should be reversed.
Bottom Line
We shall see whether or not Quora reverses their decision, but from what I can tell from reading other answers from people who have had similar things happen, it appears unlikely.
This isn’t a major answer, and in the long run it doesn’t affect what I’ll be doing in the long run, or even in the next 5 minutes. But it certainly does deepen the distrust of platforms such as this.
Whether something can objectively be called “violation” or not, it appears Quora is on a full warpath for anything and everything, whether it runs afoul of their “guidelines” or not. They’ve killed off the following answer too:
Wow! There was nothing wrong with your reply. In fact, true cultural misappropriation has really limited applications, such as sports teams with Native American mascots and chants, whites using the N-word among themselves as a term of bonding, or whites portraying blacks or Asian Americans in films. The rest is just calming victimhood, and diminishes the real forms of cultural misappropriation.
Too true.
** The rest is just CLAIMING victimhood, and diminishes the real forms of cultural misappropriation. **
Has post deleted for apparently using the word “idiot” either that or saying the “Russian collusion hoax” is a hoax.. the original answer that I responded to used the word idiot twice, and “stupid” once.. appealed and looks like I lost.. no big deal tho. It was just for principle anyway. Not a big user of quora, and think I’ll delete my account, because this is truly the stupidest thing I’ve experienced anywhere in social media. Never had a post deleted anywhere! In fact I intentionally don’t even use profanity when I post, except for “damn” maybe once in 10years. I’ve seen people threaten someone on quora and never got post removed!?!?
Impressive. I have deleted my quora account in response
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Quora is worst of the worst among social platforms. Their moderation is broken and censorship (dictatorship) is real. I deleted my account (I had more than 2000 answers) and I suggest everyone to do the same. Don’t be their unpaid workers (yes, they make money from your content (answers) and let them know that their free speech is more important for us than using their platform & it’s not okay for us to silence our criticism.
yeah, I just asked a question about Chinese politics and my post has been deleted and I received a warning, that totally irritated me !
They have been getting much, much more arbitrary. They took another one of mine down recently. In fact, I’ll add it to the main article…
Similar thing happened with me today they deleted my answer and I am not a blogger but that is making me very angry.