The death bells of Academia are ringing. Can you hear them?
Review: The Red Pill (Movie)
A review of Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill,, a movie about a feminist documentary filmmaker’s exploration of the Men’s Rights Movement.
Mind… Blown
Who knew that a chicken, a road, and the world’s oldest Dad Joke could actually be so profound?
The Electoral College vs. Mob Rule
How the Electoral College saved the U.S. from serfdom in the 2016 Presidential Election.
War on Individualism: Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Tackling the prickly issue of gender-neutral bathrooms and the attack on individualism and privacy.
The Pronoun Polemic
The Canadian government is planning on criminalizing you if you don’t say what they want you to say. One man speaks out.
Social Justice Has Entered The Twilight Zone
Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone shows that the mentality behind Social Justice Warriors are not new, and the tactics haven’t changed.
Social Justice, Newspeak, and (Meta)Communication Theory
Unpacking the communication styles of Social Justice advocates, and how the harmful effects perpetuate themselves. Grab your favorite beverage.
Weaponized Metacommunication
If you want to understand how Social Justice, Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings, and “Cultural Appropriation” came about, you should learn about metacommunication.
The Insanity of Higher Education – Social Justice Report Card Edition
[Updated: 2017.12.19] An ongoing, curated list of insane administration policies in Higher Education in the name of “Diversity” and “Social Justice.” Is your alma mater here?
Post-Mortem Analysis of the Feminism Debate, Part III
[Update 2017.10 – This series has gotten a lot of attention lately. It appears that it’s become an ancillary part of another discussion on a discussion forum. Welcome! I encourage you to read the followup to this series, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to the Forums, for an epilogue to the discussion.] This is the final article in …
Post-Mortem Analysis of the Feminism Debate, Part II
This is the second in a 3-part series on an analysis of the Feminism Debate between Sargon of Akkad and Dr. Kristi Winters on April 30, 2016. This was a formal debate between two prominent YouTube personalities and tackled the highly-emotional topic in a structured and formal fashion. In the first part, we gave a short overview of the debate …
Post-Mortem Analysis of the Feminism Debate between Sargon of Akkad and Kristi Winters
Post-Mortem Analysis of the Feminism Debate between @Sargon_Of_Akkad and Kristi Winters, Pt 1
Balancing Act: The Struggle Between Orality and Linearity in Computer-Mediated Communication
This is a recovery of a peer-reviewed article published in 1996 in the New Jersey Journal of Communication (now the Atlantic Journal of Communication). Full Citation: Metz, J. M. (1996). Balancing act: The struggle between orality and linearity in computer mediated communication. The New Jersey Journal of Communication, 4, 61-70.000
Common Core Math: So Clever It’s Incorrect
A few months back I came across an example of a Common Core math problem that really set me off. I mean, it actually offended me. This was the key question for a 6-year-old’s math exam: (If you’ve never seen this problem before, feel free to try to work it out before reading the Answer after the “read more” link …