A cartoon flip book that describes how a storage packet works its way from an application to a storage device.
“Cryptographically Strong”: Here Be Dragons
It is interesting to note that many government agencies that have a strong interest in security, almost always exempt themselves from FIPS or Common Criteria requirements.
PSA: Recent Synology Security Advisories
Synology has announced some vulnerabilities in the Diskstation software, some of which are critical.
Synology Updates Consumer Lineup
Synology releases additions and updates to their consumer lineup.
Redundant Array of Independent Duties
Diogenes discusses the notion that data protection schemes can be extended to a social commentary. Heavy centralization of businesses lead to economic instability and social unrest. Instead, Diogenes makes the case for a redundant array of independent duties, in that it is more resilient socially and economically to have many smaller to mid sized businesses in industries and cities than a few large ones.
Synology: Diskstation to Diskstation Migration
How to transfer data from one Synology to another directly, and why.
Storage: How Does Flash Memory Avoid Data Loss?
A Quora reader wants to know how Flash memory protects its data. Here is the answer.
Synology Adds NVMe and 10GbE to DiskStation Lineup
Synology’s press release for the new NVMe and 10GbE product line. [Note – not paid content]
Quora Answer: How to Choose A Storage Vendor?
An excellent question on how to compare storage solutions from major vendors, versus new startups.
An Astronomer’s Take on the August 21 Solar Eclipse
Hello from your friendly Cisco resident astronomer! On 2017 Aug 21, those in North American will experience a wonderful event called a Total Solar Eclipse: For most of the US, such as those in San Jose, they will experience a partial eclipse: However for the few who venture into the center-line, where totality will exist for about 2 minutes, they …
New Patreon – How To Sponsor Storage Content
Why I decided to start monetizing through Patreon with the storage stuff.
2017 Flash Memory Summit Preview
A quick preview of the 2017 Flash Memory Summit.
Eastwood Tools Cybersecurity Fail
Be very careful about buying things from Eastwood Tools. And whatever you do, never, ever send copies of your personal IDs to someone you don’t know via email.
ProTip: Pseudo-anonymous Email
If you’re tired of needing to register your email for various sites (to read a news or tech article, for instance), try a disposable email address.
Storage Basics: When to use SAN v. NAS
This is my answer to a question that came in via Quora: When should a administrator use a storage area network technology and when should he use a network area storage technology? “Network Area Storage” is not a commonly used term. The correct expansion of the NAS acronym is “Network Attached Storage,” which might make the the comparing/constrasting make a …